Read the Blog
I’m an open book. I hope you can connect with even just one of the many pages.
How it feels to be a disabled woman of child bearing age right now.
In the last several months, I have seen a really beautiful shift in our country in the form of women believing in themselves and each other. This, despite a culture that has pinned us against one another, forever competing to be the "best mom" or the "most attractive," fighting over whatever the highest-level job society says is OK for women to have…
Amsterdam, Paris, and London, This is my love letter to you.
I planned, researched, and saved my valuable credit card points. I wasn't sure what it would be like this time around with one less leg, but there isn't much that can keep me from getting on a plane when there is an upgraded seat involved…
Hiccups and knockouts
Chaos comes in waves. It seemingly ebbs and flows, only occasionally allowing you the time to recuperate between blows. And the scariest part is that there isn't anything you can do to stop it from happening. That's right, let that sink in for a minute…
Feeling Grateful
Five days ago, Florida was hit by Hurricane Milton. It was the second hurricane to directly hit the state in a 10-day period, which must be part of the reason why the state bird here is known as - Florida man...
check socket, reality check
Change is a good thing, right? For the amputee, it's a little more complicated than that.
Every so often, I experience enough volume change in my leg from minor weight loss or gain that I no longer fit in my prosthetic socket properly...
Inspiration Situation
Just when I think I've had an uneventful week as an amputee and cancer survivor, and therefore experiencing a bit of writer's block as I try to put together a post for this weekly blog, a stranger walks up to me and changes that. To the dude who came up to me while I was dancing at an EDM show Friday night and told me I am an inspiration to him, I thank you, sir, for inspiring this blog post...
You can do it, baby.
It’s been a few weeks since my last face first meeting with the pavement, and my bruised baby leg and ego are healing quite nicely. Now for the hard part, getting my butt off the comfy couch where I’ve been nursing my injuries and watching way too much true crime...
Fear Of Falling
We're all scared of something, actually, lots of things. But a new amputee is most scared of falling. I thought after 4+ years, I was past that fear. In that time, I've learned how to push a weighted sled, wear mini-high heels, and dance with a cocktail-filled disco ball in my hand. Why am I just now experiencing the bad kind of heart flutters while walking on an uneven path?...
Why you should watch the paralympics
This year, the Olympic and Paralympic Games are being held in Paris, making quite the elegant, dreamy backdrop for the world's most beloved and prestigious sporting event. But it's not the carrying of the flame or the elaborate opening ceremony that draws in viewers; it's hope that does that...
Kindness and compliments
Last week, I told you all about my favorite compliment. The kind where a stranger stops to tell me they like my "sparkly leg." It got me thinking more in-depth about compliments and how we form them. All those kind words of admiration floating around in our heads but not always spoken out loud. Why aren't we sharing them? ...
My favorite Compliment
It's sweaty summer again, and I live in the oven they call Florida, so jeans have been pretty much banned since at least April. Kiki, my prosthetic, is getting lots of stage time while I live in shorts, and that means more stares. But what it also means is more compliments...
Busy not being sick
Last week, I had my first oncology follow-up that involved zero anxiety. It felt so damn good, I had to take a moment to remind myself that I might be busy, but I'm not busy being sick or thinking that I'm sick or recovering from anything, and that feels freaking fantastic…