Read the Blog
I’m an open book. I hope you can connect with even just one of the many pages.
Go outside and touch some grass
So when I heard someone say, "Get outside and touch some grass," I had to stop and think when the last time I did that was…
It’s been five years. Do I still need my Doctor?
Today was scan day. After the typical chest and leg X-ray, I rode Passenger Princess to the cancer center for my results. With my iced latte in hand, I walked in as calm as one can be while entering a traumatic space from their past…
Now that I'm five years into limb loss, I have a pretty good idea of how to get around things that usually require two real legs. There isn't always a super easy solution to whatever stands between you and your activity of choice, but there is usually a way to make it happen. Sometimes, my bestie needs to carry me on her back. Other times, I need to hop to my destination on my one real leg and leave the fake one behind…
Reminder to say it
When someone we cherish passes away, we often run through our mind wondering if we told them what they meant to us. Did we just assume they knew? Were we kind enough and open enough with our affection, and did we truly accept them despite whatever differences we may have had? …
RIP TikTok
Well, it finally happened. While I was doom-scrolling last night at exactly 10:30 pm, TikTok went dark…
New Year, same imperfectly awesome me
Hello 2025. Welcome to the Sh*t show. No, I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, and if you ask me, it's 2025 who needs to make some resolutions to not be like 2020-2024…
Learning to love the season you're in
Some might say it's the most wonderful time of the year. But not everyone is decked out in a light-up Rudolph sweater and matching striped candy cane pants right now. Some might not partake because they think that's tacky, and others might just hate the holidays…
Year five- I love you, I hate you.
This coming week marks five years since the amputation surgery that left me cancer-free. In the cancer world, five years is a major milestone. It's when your chance of recurrence drastically drops, and your doctor tells you that statistically, you should be free from this type of cancer forever. But for me, a statistical anomaly, having been diagnosed with an incredibly rare sub-type of osteosarcoma that wasn't supposed to happen, let alone come back, but indeed did, that wasn't the case. Because as I was toasting, cancer was once again growing in my body and cruelly mimicking new bone in my scans. So rude…
Health Anxiety
As a full-fledged adult, or at least legally so, I get bloodwork done every six months and follow up with my regular doctor. Not my cancer doctor, just the guy who asks me if I'm taking my vitamins and refills my meds while we talk about the weather. I've never been nervous in his office. I doom scroll on my phone and yawn in his waiting room…
Every year, without fail, as the temperature starts to drop and the leaves begin to fall, a potluck dish list is passed around between a group of women, even though we religiously make the same things each year so there is really no need for a list..
The old me and the new me
It's been more than ten years since the first time I found out I had cancer. I just said that out loud as I typed it, and wow. What a hellish ride it's been, and yet, here I am, healthy, happy, and quite frankly, a bit of a badass. I'm not sure who I would have turned out to be if all of this had never happened to me, but I do know that I'd be different…