Kindness and compliments

Last week, I told you all about my favorite compliment—the kind where a stranger stops to tell me they like my "sparkly leg." It got me thinking more in-depth about compliments and how we form them. All those kind words of admiration floating around in our heads but not always spoken out loud—why aren't we sharing them?

For way too long, women have been subliminally and sometimes literally taught to see one another as threats, to fight over Barbie dolls, attention, men, and virtually everything else. Men are taught to suppress their emotions and always be the strongest and toughest guy in the room. This has led to tons of very icky showboating and a lack of deep-rooted friendships. All of this makes for any flattering thought about the same sex that comes into our minds to be pushed aside and an opportunity for kindness lost along with it. If it doesn't serve us, it isn't said. How sad is that? We're all just out here in this messy, cold world, trying to get by and needing a little help and encouragement along the way but denying one another that small token of warmth.

I know just how good it feels to be in a heavy place and be lifted up by an unexpected compliment. Even though we shouldn't be waiting around for others to tell us what we should already know, it feels damn good anyway. It's like making fire with your bare hands when someone comes out of nowhere with lighter fluid and a helpful disposition. You're not going to turn them away. You're going to make that fire even bigger and invite them to sit in front of it with you.

Life is way too short to leave nice things unsaid. Kind words are way too powerful to remain unspoken. What if what you had to say was just enough to make someone believe in themselves? Or remind them, "You're doing amazing, sweetie!" when their motivation and self-esteem are at their lowest. I hope you go out today and pay it forward with a compliment to someone. Maybe it's someone you love or even a stranger. If you're thinking something kind, don't be afraid to express it. You can say it without expecting anything in return, purely from the heart, like a fairy godmother with invisible pixie dust. Godspeed!


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My favorite Compliment