Inspiration Situation
Just when I think I've had an uneventful week as an amputee and cancer survivor, and therefore experiencing a bit of writer's block as I try to put together a post for this weekly blog, a stranger walks up to me and changes that. To the dude who came up to me while I was dancing at an EDM show Friday night and told me I am an inspiration to him, I thank you, sir, for inspiring this blog post.
I know that I could take his random comment as further proof that so many people don't see the disabled community as equal and instead as "inspiration porn" just for existing. I have been made to feel that way before by strangers on the street who knew absolutely nothing about my accomplishments or any of what I've been through except my clearly visible disability. And it ruined a perfectly good day when I was simply trying to run errands and make it to the post office before they closed. Is there anything inspirational about that?
When someone tells me my writing inspires them or even how they've watched me make something beautiful out of the hell cancer put me through, I take it as an honest kindness and a real compliment. It's not lost on me that I am the one who made the conscious decision to thrive, and I put in the work to get there. But I also just want to go to the grocery store and buy deli meat without being reminded that people see me as different and "special" enough to warrant a comment. I never want to choose to wear pants simply because it will help me blend in. Can't I look different and still be someone who wants what we all want? A happy, carefree life and a winning scratch-off.
I know the man who approached me Friday night had a reason for doing what he did. Maybe he, too, had a story that wasn't obvious at first glance. Maybe he has a daughter who is also missing her right leg, and he wants her to one day be able to joyfully dance around at an EDM concert, trying to figure out if she can fist pump her prosthesis in the air without falling on her face. All I know is that In that moment, I chose to see it as a reminder of how far I've come and how much joy I've allowed myself to experience over the last nine or so years. Lots more to come ;)