This morning I woke up with a heart full of hope. Hope for our future, our children, our aging parents, and our planet. Why? Because we have been living in uncertain times. The virus has separated us physically, but we were already so divided.

My experiences with cancer have put me face to face with the harsh reality that life can be so fragile. Until I was the one sitting there receiving a malignant diagnosis, I could never have imagined how horrific it would feel. Diagnosed with an extremely rare sarcoma after living 29 years without the fear that this could ever happen to me. I never worried about cancer because it hadn't yet touched me. I lived my privileged, healthy life without taking much interest in the lack of research taking place to help those affected by it. Now I know the fear of wondering if my insurance will be taken away due to a pre-existing condition. Now I see the detrimental effects of rising prescription drug prices and lack of coverage for prosthetic devices.

Without rose-colored lenses, I see to the best of my ability what is happening around me. I may never know what it is like to worry that my life is in danger each time I am pulled over. I may never know what it is like to have to flee my country with my children to give them a chance at a better life and then be separated from them in cages like animals. The part of the world I live in may have clean water and fresh food for now... but for how long?

I woke up hopeful not because I want to be right and call others wrong. I woke up hopeful because I want to live in a world where all of us can have equal opportunity, access to fair healthcare, and education. I would love to reach a point where we can put our differences aside and love each other, no matter the color of our skin, who we voted for, or how many limbs we have. Instead of mocking those with a disability or treating immigrants like the help, why do we not choose to celebrate our differences and learn from each other? Most scientific breakthroughs happen when a group of professionals from all over the world work together with a common goal. What a concept.. how great we could be if we allowed ourselves to value others.

Once the dust settles, I hope as a country, we will do the work to spark real change for the better and close this divide. Once upon a time, it didn't matter much who your neighbor voted for because our differences were not based on the morals of our chosen leader. We all looked out for each other and there were no threats of violence based on the choice we made while casting our ballot. Here is to the hope we can all reach a state of peace.

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Surgery, we meet again


To cut or not to cut