Figuring Out Fitness

At 6 months post-op, I felt ready to start some sort of work out routine but just couldn't figure out where to begin. The truth is I've been scared. Can my body do any of the things it could do before? Major anxiety would kick in thinking about walking into a gym and feeling completely overwhelmed and lost. I've never been someone who works out every day and watches everything I eat. But I have always been someone who wants to live my life to the fullest. I don't want to miss out on experiences because I'm not strong enough.  If I can't walk through the airport security line to my gate without stopping for a break, we may have a problem...

Because of the additional energy required to walk while wearing a prosthesis, cardiovascular health and muscle strength are crucial. After not using my lower body for 6 months, I have some muscle atrophy and I tire pretty easily. I knew I would need help to get my body where my mind already was. My great friend, Christian with Cortiz Fitness, asked if he could help. Although he had never worked with an amputee, he did have tons of experience working with patients recovering from a stroke as well as people of all fitness levels. As a friend who visited me shortly after being released from the hospital and has watched me progress from a walker to a prosthesis, he wanted to help me reach the next level.

I went into that first work out session not knowing what to expect. I think he must have felt the same way but he never showed it. He was patient with me and pushed me to try things I would never have tried on my own and together we figured out what worked and what didn't. I've taken a few falls, mostly because I wasn't confident in putting all of my weight into my prosthesis. Squats are much more of a challenge now but I have learned they are not impossible! A few weeks in, I am slowly feeling stronger and less afraid. I am learning to trust my body and realizing I can do so much more than I thought. Although I still have a long way to go, I am proud of myself. I am proud that I didn't push Christian away when he offered to help and I am proud that I chose not to let my fear of failure prevent me from challenging myself. If you are feeling lost and not sure where to start, I hope that you too will find someone to help guide you. Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us to remind us that what we seek is sitting there waiting for us, we just have to put in the work. And if by the end of your work out, your prosthetic is facing the wrong direction because your socket is so sweaty, that just means you are doing it right ;)

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Healing is not linear


I have nothing to wear… no seriously.