Reminder to say it

When someone we cherish passes away, we often run through our mind wondering if we told them what they meant to us. Did we just assume they knew? Were we kind enough and open enough with our affection, and did we truly accept them despite whatever differences we may have had? If you get the chance to give an extra hug, say another - I love you, - or smile across the room at them one more time, please take it. Don't let too much time pass because you think they will always be there, and someday, you'll make it down for a visit when you have more time and are over whatever you may disagree on. Time is never a guaranteed thing. The only thing that's for sure is how fast time passes and how it can be cut short in an instant without so much as a warning. The only instance when there is enough time is when we are sitting around waiting for results from our most recent scans. Time stands still only then. Every other second we're given slips through the hourglass before we can process that it's gone.

Maybe we are all just blobs floating around the planet, trying our best to hold onto our values and live a life we can be proud of. Sometimes, we are so preoccupied with ourselves that we forget there are billions of other blobs floating around us. And even when they matter to us we make excuses to float right past them. The last few years, I've had too many reminders of just how short life is, and I've wanted to scream, - I get it already. Please stop! - But since I can't control the hamster wheel of us blobs live on, I will just pass along the reminder to the rest of you. Take your vitamins, kiss your dog goodnight, never miss a quarterly scan at the cancer center, and tell your people you love them. Please don't wait until they are sick to visit, and don't ever be afraid to be vulnerable. It's what makes us human. Human blobs floating around wasting time overthinking everything instead of just saying how we feel, but nonetheless, human. And if no one has told you today, you matter. You mean something to me because you are taking time out of your hourglass to read the random words that pour out of mine. Thank you.




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