I hope you believe in miracles
When our shoulders are heavy with what feels like the weight of the world, well, the world keeps turning. It isn't the nature of the universe to always give us a break. In those moments it can take all of our strength to keep holding onto faith and believe in miracles. And they aren't always the easiest to spot, especially when they blur together with the darkness.
Still, I choose to believe in miracles, in all the wild, messy, blurry ways they show up and I hope you will too. One of the most beautiful things in life is the moment you have the clarity to notice all the things that actually went right. There were probably more than you saw while you were in the thick of it, silently sewing seeds of greatness and blessings. It's true what they say... life is short. Why not spend it looking towards the sun rather than the ground. Notice the wildflowers and the birds singing when you can because when you least expect it and the soundtrack of your life changes, you will need to remember the sweet melody.
This past week I couldn't pull myself out from under a dark cloud that hovered above pouring down rain full of fear and suffering. At some point, I remembered that I needed to believe. I needed to search deep within myself and find a way to hope and hold out for a miracle. I did this for someone who more than once found the strength to believe that I would be OK. Someone who loved me with every ounce of their heart and soul, hurt when I hurt, laughed when I laughed, and cheered me on my whole life. So instead of sitting in the rain, I grabbed an umbrella and daydreamed about what it will be like when things are better and this will just be a story in our book. Some day when I have a child you will visit and hold their hand as we all walk down the street to get ice cream cones (chocolate for you and vanilla for me). We will talk for hours about movies and politics. When you complain about how cold it is where you are I will be complaining about how hot it is where I am.
I hope that right now you are doing the same…believing in miracles, and if you can’t I will do it for you. “I love you from this world to the next. “