Overwhelmed much?

Every once in a while, I like to pile my plate high with RSVPs, projects with unrealistic deadlines, and the anxiety of making it all look like a piece of pumpkin pie. This month I really went for it. I didn't want to miss out on any of the Holiday festivities with family and friends and ended up booked solid every weekend before our move-in date for the new house in mid-December. So now I have nightmares about not being packed when the movers arrive. I made commitments to write newsletters beyond my weekly blog posts, and now I have no clean underwear. Do you know the feeling?

Why do we do this to ourselves, knowing good and well that we have overcommitted and created a not-so-friendly place for our mental and physical health? No one likes a case of FOMO, but is it any better to run yourself ragged?

Thankfully, my residual limb has had few complications recently, and I have had the energy to run around trying to get everything done. It has not been without its consequences though. I've had 20 tabs open in my head all at once, which has made it incredibly hard to focus on the task I am trying to complete at the moment. Wait, was I doing a financial report or putting together my bestie's baby shower invite? My most recent nightmare took me back to college, where I sat in class with a messy pile of books and papers that covered my desk, lap, and the floor around me. As soon as the class ended and it was time to get to the next, I could not seem to get my books together. I would pack them into my bag and then they would re-appear all over the desk and floor. It was like I couldn't seem to make any progress. I was so frustrated. My sweet, emotional support animal sat next to me while I pinched myself, trying to wake up out of this repetitive nightmare.

This week I had a few days off for Thanksgiving and was able to reset and focus on how lucky I am to have so many exciting things to look forward to. Taking my plans and responsibilities one step at a time is the only way I will be able to give 100% and be present in the moment. In January, I know I will look back and smile at all the memories made.

If your monthly calendar looks anything like mine and you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don't have to say yes to everything. It's ok to give yourself some "me time" when it's needed. However, you might be surprised to learn how therapeutic time with your friends and family can be. Your responsibilities, on the other hand, don't always come with an RSVP option. So try to stay organized, focus on one task at a time, start to finish. You will thank yourself later when you can be proud of your work. Don't let the writing on your calendar take the sparkle out of your Holiday season. There is fun to be had. There are sparkly dresses to be worn and toasts to be made for a great year to come.


What makes you feel sexy?
