This is an appreciation post

My two-year ampuversary was this week and I have been reflecting on just how far I've come since the chop. Starting this blog gave me purpose, fulfillment, and connection. Two years later, I'm still writing it all down because of YOU.

If I haven't had the chance to tell you each individually just how much it means to me that you have taken a sliver of your very precious time to read something I wrote, I want to take this opportunity now. Maybe you read one post, or maybe you've read them all. Just the same, it warms my heart and fills my eyes with tears that even one person has felt connected to what I have to say. It has always been my hope that even if you have never faced cancer or the loss of a limb, you gain something from this blog. I know I certainly have. I write far more openly than I often dare to speak and so, it is ultimately the most powerful form of my voice. I have worked through emotions that I didn't even know I was feeling all because I spilled them out onto a keyboard, letter by letter. I am thankful for every person who has ever reached out, either seeking guidance or offering it. I'm thankful for pen pals gained and lessons learned on how someone you have never actually met can have such an impact on your healing. I have flourished these last two years in part because you had the guts to reach out and give us the chance to help each other. I never imagined blessings as big as what Limbitless Sunshine has brought me.

There is nothing quite like the moment you realize other people out there are feeling the same feelings and jumping the same hurdles as you. Although it aches to know that someone else has experienced pain like yours, It's far easier to get back up when you can lean on each other through it. It's not just other cancer survivors or amputees either. It's those who have lost a parent or dealt with a mental health struggle, it's someone else who should have a CT scan punch card and is due for a freebie at this point. It's anyone who has left a comment after a post saying " I understand that I will never understand, but I am here for you anyways".

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading, sharing, feeling, connecting to any or all of it. Without you, this little place I call home wouldn't be half as sunny as it is.


I’m feeling 2022


Mental Health survival guide for the holidays