Dream on

What kind of person were you before this? Did your life feel mundane or was it magical? Did you take it all for granted or give thanks for everything you had? Did you check things off a dream board or were you a realist? There is nothing like having recently lost a limb to give you real perspective. You have probably thought about how much easier everything was before and how any dreams you once had have been threatened.

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a ballerina and then a gymnast. sure, I was talented and practiced more then most kids did but I didn't fight hard enough. I didn't believe in myself enough to give it everything I had and so nothing came of it. Now I see that being an amputee who against all odds smiles every day, gives thanks every day, and walks with only one real leg is bigger than any dream I could have accomplished back then as a kid. And the best part is that I want more. Before surgery I would have thought where I am would be enough to keep me going. Why did I sell myself short? Because I had no idea what I was capable of. Being a part of this community has inspired me to seek out whatever it is that helps me keep growing and becoming everything I want to be. After all, it was only a few months ago I wanted to help others by being open about my journey and starting this blog. Have you ever thought about why you failed at something? Could it be that maybe you didn't want it as bad as you think you did?

Amputees are so inspiring in fact, it can feel like your dreams and goals just aren't big enough. Prosthetics companies are always working to make the impossible happen as we demand more than just the ability to walk again, even though walking alone uses 30% more energy for us. Don't compare your dreams and accomplishments to others. Amy Purdy snowboards with NO LEGS! She is INCREDIBLE! But that is not on my dream board and that is OK. What makes you feel alive? What makes you forget you lost any parts of yourself? Go for that. Get your head in the clouds. I promise to never give up on becoming a Mom. I promise to work on becoming the strongest and healthiest version of myself however that looks. I promise to continue to work on reaching others who need to hear my honest words. I promise to keep traveling the world even though it means dealing with the nightmare that is airport security when your "leg" is made out of metal. And most importantly I promise to always dream on.

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Leg Story $1,998,298.00