Post-Holiday Mental Health check-in

There was turkey in November and Honey Ham in December. On the 31st, you drank champagne and toasted to whatever. Now it's 2022, and there are no fun Holidays or time off to look forward to until at least May. Feeling a little blue? Yeah, me too.

I'd say the Holidays this year were a bit weird, but that would be an understatement, we may as well combine the last two years because it's been a blur since March 2020, right?

There was that one month we got to take off our masks and hug our vaccinated friends in the streets, but then Omicron showed up acting like a Karen in the middle of a birthday party and stole our joy. Thus, many were only able to share that honey ham with their cats this year. Now the string lights are being unraveled and the trees dismantled, the wreath's stored away, and the skies seem a bit more grey.

If you texted or facetimed your loved ones to wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year but haven't spoken to them since; it might be time for a mental health check-in.

We all need someone to look out for us, not only when we feel most fragile, but even when we think we have a handle on it all. It's not always easy to send an SOS when you are in distress. There might be shame or too much pride as you look for somewhere to hide from your feelings. Behind a fake smile or an "I'll call you back tomorrow" could be a secret sign for "I need help and it's too big of a pill to swallow."

So, If you're laying around and suddenly missing the Holiday sounds, remember, someone you love might be wishing their feet were more securely on the ground. Why not give them a call and let them know you are a safe place to fall. After all, it's just a call, but it could mean a difference both big and small.


Homeowner Level-Beginner


I’m feeling 2022